
“This is my site. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My site is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my site is useless. Without my site, I am useless.”

So much for the Full Metal Jacket parody. As you’ve probably figured by now I like movies. As I do tv shows, games, computers and pretty much anything that involves using modern eletronics. My name is Mark, but you may call me Sartsj, as is the name used for this website. This nickname was given to me by friends, which was derived from the english word ‘Sarge’. Partly because I used this nickname before myself, among other reasons.

So much for the explanation of the nickname. As I’ve written my real name is Mark, and I was born in 1984, which makes me 26 at the moment of typing this (2010). I’ve recently completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Information & Communication Technology. Currently I am planning on going on a 2 month trip to the east coast of the US, after which I will start my search for a job.

I guess that’s pretty much it at this point. I know there’s not much on this site at the moment, hopefully that will change over time. (Past results on providing content for a personal website are not good :p)

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